How to Remove Blocked Websites


Access to the internet is a fundamental right in today’s digital age. Yet, in some cases, certain websites may be restricted or blocked, preventing users from accessing desired content. This can be frustrating. However, there are ways to bypass these restrictions and gain access to blocked websites. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies to remove blocked websites.

Use a VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be an effective tool to access blocked websites. By connecting to a VPN server, you can hide your IP address and encrypt your internet traffic, making it difficult for anyone to monitor your online activity. This allows you to bypass the restrictions imposed by your network or internet service provider and access blocked websites.

Try Proxy Websites

Proxy websites act as intermediaries between you and the blocked website. By accessing the blocked website through a proxy server, you can bypass the restrictions imposed on your network. Proxy websites can be easily found online, and many offer free services. However, keep in mind that some proxy websites may be unreliable or pose security risks. Exercise caution when using them.

Use Tor Browser

The Tor browser is a powerful tool for accessing blocked websites and maintaining anonymity online. It uses a network of volunteer-operated servers to redirect internet traffic and hide your IP address. This makes it difficult for anyone to track your online activity or block access to websites. The Tor browser is free to download and can be used on various operating systems.

Change DNS Settings

Another method to remove blocked websites is by changing your DNS (Domain Name System) settings. DNS servers translate domain names into IP addresses, allowing your device to connect to the desired website. By changing your DNS settings to a public DNS server, you can bypass restrictions and access blocked websites. There are several free public DNS servers available, such as Google DNS and OpenDNS.

Use a Web Proxy Extension

Web proxy extensions are browser add-ons that route your internet traffic through a proxy server, allowing you to access blocked websites. These extensions can be easily installed on popular web browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. They provide a convenient way to access blocked content without the need for additional software or setup.

Contact Your Network Administrator

If you are accessing the internet through a controlled network, such as an office or school network, it may be worth contacting your network administrator to inquire about the blocked website. In some cases, they may have legitimate reasons for blocking certain websites. By explaining your need to access a particular website, you may be able to request the website to be unblocked or find alternative solutions.


Having access to blocked websites can be crucial for many reasons, whether it is for research, communication, or entertainment. By utilizing strategies such as using a VPN, proxy websites, Tor browser, changing DNS settings, or web proxy extensions, you can remove restrictions and gain access to blocked websites. It is important to exercise caution when accessing blocked websites and respect any legal or ethical boundaries. Remember to prioritize your online safety and privacy while enjoying unrestricted internet access.

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